Conor "MISFIT”Manager
Before calling TTB Barbershop his home for the last few years now, Conor honed in on his excellent skills around Brisbane. A Master of Communication, Quality and Performance.
(Ask Him about Cinema and DnD)
Braith "SLIM SHADY"Barber
With Nearly 4 years of experience Braith Specialises in Skin Fade, Line ups and everything in-between! Calling TTB Barbershop his Second Home, after his Car...
(Ask Braith about the Cars, Music & Photography)
MitchSenior Barber |
Tommy has been cutting away for over 15 years!! Book in with confidence.
Rob ‘Brazilian Prince’Senior Barber
A Brazilian Master of his Craft with an eye for Superior Quality and Performance. Rob has been skilfully Chipping away for the past 5 years
(Ask me about CSGO and Gym)
113 Commercial Road, Shop 1, Teneriffe, Brisbane, QLD, 4005
0456 002 235
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
113 Commercial Road, Shop 1, Teneriffe, Brisbane, QLD, 4005
0456 002 235
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